Despite being right brained, I've always been analytical. My
trade when I was younger even has ‘analyst’ in the title. While analytical
thinking can be an important asset in the workplace and is often highly valued
by employers, it has its dangers.
Being an introvert as well as being analytical lends me towards
overthinking. I want to solve the puzzle, understand why it happened and put in
measures to avoid it happening again. With my current state of health being really
poor, I may have slipped into overthinking. I’m spending a large amount of time
wondering why this happened to me and hasn't happened to other people. I’m wondering why mothers of four kids who work seem to be still standing. And yet
I’m relegated to my bed for large chunks of the day.
Research shows that overthinking actually leads to
unhappiness. The intention is to gain personal insight but there comes a point where we head down a pessimistic path of thinking that can even become quite distorted. The first step is to identify that it’s happening, which can be difficult
to do as observing oneself is fraught with bias. And once we've identified it, we need to redirect our thoughts to the positive. For those with an optimistic tendency, we can use that gift to look for the silver lining.
A tactic I use with my children is distraction. I believe it
to be highly effective when a child is overwhelmed by emotion. Once I've comforted her and she continues to be overwhelmed, I then make use of
distraction. I ask her about something fun that happened at school or something
she’s looking forward to. Sometimes I ask a question I know she’ll be
interested in, that she probably hasn't considered. Something like whether our
cat likes to chase lizards. Don’t get me wrong, although I’m not a fan of
drama, I have no issue with emotional expression. Sometimes they just get
overwhelmed in the moment and need to find their way out. If the lizard question didn't end the bawling, it’s more serious.
I’m going to try this tactic on myself the next time I start
wondering if I’ll ever be able to live a normal life again. The silver lining
of my health collapse is perhaps something about the revelation that my job was
harmful for me and perseverance was not the answer. That’s fine and understood.
But I can’t keep thinking that thought over and over. I need to employ the
distraction tactic and to be truthful I find writing this blog to be a great
help. It’s an opportunity to structure and formulate thoughts on how to adjust
my life for the better. It helps me focus on a positive future and distracts me
so that I don’t become overwhelmed by despair.
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