I have always been a goal-driven person and instead of New Year’s
resolutions, I've set goals. I pulled out an old journal in which I wrote them
down and had quite a bit of fun reading about myself twelve years ago.
In 2003 I set goals in the following categories: financial,
professional, physical, relationships, spiritual, home, knowledge development.
Most of the goals in the list are completed, things like ‘pay off house in five
years’ and ‘gain a new skill’. But some are still so elusive ‘run 5 km in less
than 25 minutes’. I also have a page where I wrote criteria for the ‘Perfect
Life’. By age 34 I had accomplished all the things on this list - I had a loving
husband, a healthy baby girl, professional success, overseas travel annually,
strong relationships and a healthy fit body.
So I’m asking myself what went wrong between age 34 and 40 ?
The past six years have seen a decline in my health so much so that I can’t
work for several months. The introduction of kids into my life has some
relevance for sure. Many busy mothers reading this will understand the strain
that children introduce into your life. A lot of joy, which is well worth the strain, but they nevertheless contributed to my health decline - because I let it happen.
Two things that are evident by what I've written in this
journal is that I didn't manage to get on top of my stress and that I, even in 2003, aspired to have writing in my life. There is mention,
even before kids of more time for myself.
I did not make the time and space back then for me and how much was that
exacerbated by the introduction of needy little people who literally suck from
your body! I didn't prioritise myself then and that was a big mistake.
In working on my goals in the past few years, I engaged a
coach who is really great. She mostly works with working women and
focusses on confidence and the ability to cope with the dual pressures of
motherhood and career aspirations. She has a wonderful technique called a
Vision Board where you literally make a collage of the things you aspire to. It
can be electronic or physical and you should look at it daily. This encourages
your brain to keep a look out for opportunities on the path towards these
Visualisation is used by many professional sports people.
They train their brains to live the visual image of success and thereby making
it attainable. I remember reading about it when I was much younger and creating
a mini collage of the things I wanted. The amazing thing is that I have
achieved all of the things I included. I had an image of a jogger husband
pushing a baby in a pram – check. I had a picture of a fit lady in the gym –
check. I had a picture of a baby girl – check. I am now quite frightened by
their power and am throwing away the pictures of babies as I certainly can’t
handle another one in my depleted state!
The interesting thing is that I cut out those pictures and
put them in a journal in my bottom drawer – and yet all of them were achieved.
How interesting that the mere process of consciously choosing them and being
clear about what I wanted had such an impact.
I’m still (yes, still) reading The How of Happiness by Sonja
Lyubomirsky. A happiness-inducing strategy that strongly appeals to me is that
of formulating the ‘Best Possible Future Self’. She proposes spending twenty
minutes on writing about your best possible future self. What will you have,
and be, and do in the future?
I have done this exercise and not only is it a proven
happiness booster but how empowering! It helps us clearly articulate what we
really want and makes us think about what we need to do now in order to be that future self.
If this appeals to you, I’d highly recommend the activity. Have
you articulated, in text or images, what you really want? How can God or the
Universe or whatever you believe in, respond, if you don’t ask? Put it out
there. What’s the worst that could happen?
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